(956) 504-2780
2340 Central Blvd, Brownsville, TX
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM
24 hours service available

Q & A

SafeHaven Hospice Q &A

What is hospice?

Hospice is specialized care for people with a terminal illness who no longer respond to medical treatment or intervention. Hospice focus on symptom and pain management, emotional and spiritual support, and help for families and caregivers.

How does hospice care work?

Usually, a family member serves as the patient’s primary caregiver and helps make decisions for their loved one. Working with the caregiver, the SafeHaven Hospice Care Team develops a plan to provide treatment, pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support, personal care, and specialized services for the patient and family.  Our hospice staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help care for our patients.

Do Medicaid, Medicare, and insurance cover hospice care?

Medicare services are 100% covered by Medicare Part A hospice, and in most states, Medicaid covers the cost, as do most private or managed care insurance plans.

Can I stay on my prescribed medications during hospice?

SafeHaven Hospice believes that if your prescribed medication makes the patient more comfortable, then yes! Other hospice providers may have different care philosophies about the continued use of prescribed medications.

Can I receive hospice care if I live in a nursing home or other type of long-care facility?

Yes! Typically, hospice services can be provided wherever the patient calls home. In addition to the standard nursing home or alternate care facility services, residents will receive specialized visits from hospice nurses, aides, chaplains, social workers, and volunteers.

Who arranges hospice care for the patient?

Anyone can make a referral for hospice care. This includes your doctor, minister, or a trusted friend when making this decision. You can also contact SafeHaven Hospice to learn more about in-home hospice services and arrange a meeting in your home to discuss your needs.

How do I tell if it’s time to consider hospice?

Patients and families should consider hospice care when medical treatments can no longer cure their disease or when treating symptoms outweigh the benefits of treatment.  Talking about hospice early in diagnosing a terminal disease allows you to make knowledgeable decisions and understand a loved one’s wishes.

Can I keep my doctor under hospice care?

Yes, SafeHaven Hospice encourages you to maintain your relationship with your primary care physician and considers this relationship extremely important. You have a trusted bond with your doctor, and this bond can help reduce stress for the patient and family.

How is hospice care different from home health care?

Home Health Care helps patients recover from an illness or injury and become as self-sufficient as soon as possible. Hospice care requires a completely different standard of care by a staff trained in hospice care for terminally ill patients.

What happens if a patient’s condition improves?

If a patient’s condition improves or the disease goes into remission, the patient can be discharged from hospice care and returned to regular medical treatment. Also, should the patient need to return to hospice in the future, these services can be resumed if the patient is eligible.

How long can a patient receive hospice care?

Medicare initially covers six months of hospice care. Care can last longer than six months if a doctor certifies that the patient continues to meet hospice eligibility requirements.

What if I sill have questions that need to be answered? 

We encourage you to call SafeHaven Hospice and talk to us until all your questions have been answered satisfactorily—call (956) 504-2780 today.