(956) 504-2780
2340 Central Blvd, Brownsville, TX
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM
24 hours service available

The SafeHaven Distinction

Why SafeHaven?

SafeHaven Hospice provides hospice care dedicated to the patient comfort and quality of life. Our services include meeting rigorous quality standards establish by The Joint Commission on Hospice Care. 

Our registered nurses are skilled, hospice certified, care specialist that define care as, “the medical care provided by a team of professionals that works with patients who are terminal and near end-of-life, providing comfort and care as the guiding principles.” 

Accredited/Certified by The Joint Commission.

About SafeHaven

Locally owned and operated, not a corporation
Decisions are made locally for the patient, not a company
We do not discontinue patient medications as part of our hospice care
We Provide a family touch
On Call - Fast response time
Seamless call routing directly to the on-call nurses with response time of less than 30 seconds. Reduced visit wait times as our on call nurses only service the lower valley area.